Corporate and individual sponsorships are a vital way to support live, local theater in Central Iowa. Learn about the many benefits included with being a sponsor.
Iowa Stage Theatre Company could not do what we do without the generous support of our community partners. Without sponsorships, donations and grants, our ticket prices would need to be over $90 to cover the expense of creating our high-quality, diverse, powerful theatre productions.
We would love to have you join the corporations, foundations and individuals who have partnered with ISTC to grow the arts in central Iowa. Take a look at all the benefits below, and find the level of support that’s right for you!
Artist Sponsor - $500
An Artist sponsorship is a great way to show your support for a particular artist during a production. Artists sponsors also enjoy the following benefits:
Concierge Service for Ticket Reservations, Exchanges and Special Requests
Reserved Seating
Invitation to Pre-Show Reception and Talk for select performances
Sponsorship Recognition in the Program
When you are completing your paypal form click "Add special instructions to the seller" to tell us which artist you would like to sponsor.
Designer Sponsor - $1,000
Designer sponsors enjoy all of the Artist sponsor benefits plus receive:
10 Custom Preview Night Tickets for sponsored show to distribute to staff, clients & friends
When you are completing your paypal form click "Add special instructions to the seller" to tell us which artist you would like to sponsor.
Director Sponsor - $2,500
Director sponsors enjoy all of the Designer sponsor benefits plus receive:
20 (total) Custom Preview Night Tickets for sponsored show to distribute to staff, clients & friends
Recognition on the Iowa Stage Website with link to sponsor site
Playwright Sponsor - $5,000
Playwright sponsors enjoy all of the Director sponsor benefits plus receive:
35 (total) Custom Preview Night Tickets for sponsored show to distribute to staff, clients & friends
1/2 page Ad in the Season Program
10% Employee Discount Code
Copy of Script/ Signed Poster of Sponsored Production
Producer Sponsor - $10,000
Producer sponsors enjoy all of the Playwright sponsor benefits plus receive:
75 (total) Custom Preview Night Tickets for sponsored show to distribute to staff, clients & friends
Full page Ad in the Season Program
20% Employee Discount Code
Copy of Script/ Signed Poster of Sponsored Production
Invitation to first rehearsal of the sponsored production which includes a meet and greet
Lead Production Credit on the Program Title Page
Production credit on all print media for sponsored production (Posters, Newsletters, Coupons etc.)